School Debate Competition Prices
The below prices include any Leeds Salon travel costs, but do not include VAT.
Half-Day Events
A one-off competition involving 2 to 4 schools and lasting 3 to 4 hours would cost schools within West Yorkshire £300 and companies £500. For schools outside West Yorkshire this would cost £400.
Additional qualifying rounds leading to the above event as a final, and involving 2 or 3 schools per round, would cost an additional £200 per round inside West Yorkshire and £250 outside.
All-Day Events
A one-off competition involving 6 to 8 schools and lasting 6 to 7 hours would cost schools within West Yorkshire £600 and companies £800. For schools outside West Yorkshire this would cost £700
Additional qualifying rounds leading to the above event as a final, and involving 2 or 3 schools per round, would cost an additional £200 per round inside West Yorkshire and £250 outside.