Women: A Success Story

For Women’s History Month, we are partnering with education charity WORLDwrite* to show their recent film, Women: A Success Story

Women: a success story suggests women’s equality today is something to celebrate and that contemporary ‘victim culture’ does women a great disservice. Forged as a timeline, interwoven with archive, forty women give us a fresh perspective, tell women they have nothing to fear and can do anything. From across the generations, they share their life stories, what they overcame and what’s changed. We learn of women in the cotton mills, life during the war, the 1984 miners’ strike, from outdoor loos, terry nappies and illegal abortions to pre-marital sex, freedom and making it in what was once a man’s world. The film urges women to revel in their progress and do it with men not against them. 

The film which, has been hailed as refreshing, inspiring, mind-blowing and witty, will be followed by a Q&A with director Ceri Dingle.


Friday 29 March 2019


Doors open 6:30pm for 7pm start to 9pm




useful reading:

You Go Girlfriends by Andrew Collins, film reviews editor for the Radio Times.

salon partners:

WORLDwrite is a UK based charity with a remit to provide educational projects and programmes which promote international understanding. For more informaiton visit: www.worldbytes.org/